As a member of the EPIC-Network, you’ll receive frequent updates on funding opportunities available to those practicing the EPIC Model. Additionally, 1:1 technical assistance is provided to members who want to explore these funding opportunities further or need assistance with any application or proposal.
Funding opportunities are essential in keeping EPIC Model programs running. Funding opportunities shared through the EPIC-Network can help:
- Communities gain the funds essential to project development and implementation. For example, through EPIC-N’s partnership with Second Nature, their third round of their Acceleration Fund included funding available to communities.
- Connect program and community leaders with grant opportunities aligned to specific project types and issues. For example, through EPIC-N’s partnership with UNEP GAN, many different funding opportunities are highlighted throughout the year. Learn more about the Global EbA Fund and 2021 EPIC-Asia Seed Grants.
- Students receive funding for work completed during an EPIC-N Project. For example, through a partnership with the US EPA, EPIC-N co-sponsored the Environmental Justice Video Challenge. Through this, students have the opportunity to take their participation in relevant EPIC Model Projects and submit them via a six minute video to be considered for potential prize money.
- EPIC-N Staff are constantly looking for funding opportunities to support EPIC-N Programs and their work. Through EPIC-N’s membership with the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network, staff receive regular digests of funding opportunities well positioned to EPIC-N Programs and share with our mailing list.
How to Access
- Go to the EPIC-N website: https://www.epicn.org/
- Click on “Member Commons” at the top right of the screen
- Read Member Details page
- Use the options available to “Log In” or create an account by clicking on “Become a Member”
- Once you’ve signed up for the Member Commons, you will automatically be added to the EPIC-N mailing list and Listserv. Funding opportunities will be shared with members through these mediums.
- EPIC-N staff are constantly looking for funding opportunities for our members. To that end, we encourage our members to keep their program stories and project library entries up to date so that EPIC-N staff can find the most relevant funding opportunities for your individual program.
“If it wasn’t for your email about the CA Volunteers opportunity, there’s no way we would have just received $10.6 million in funding to combat climate change. I am profoundly grateful. Thank you so much.”
– Erin Pearse, Director of the Initiative for Climate Leadership and Resilience, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
EPIC-N is committed to continuous improvement and providing quality resources to our members. If you have recently used this benefit of EPIC-N membership, please complete this quick form.
This work © 2017 by EPIC-N is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0